Prioritizing compliance and carrying out business in a socially fair and appropriate manner
Prioritizing compliance and carrying out business in a socially fair and appropriate manner
Polyplastics implements compliance measures from the two perspectives of “Prevention” and “Response” and strives to ensure an effective compliance operation system.
The Daicel Group has abolished the previous Group Conduct Policy, replacing it with the Daicel Group Code of Conduct, for each and every employee to be constantly aware of and practice in every action, and Daicel Group Ethical Standards, as a universally applicable code for all areas of corporate activities.
New elements added to the new Ethical Standards include strict compliance with the terms of contracts with customers to ensure that inappropriate quality-affecting behavior does not occur, consideration for human rights and the environment, which are increasingly demanded by society, and adherence to the Ethical Standards throughout the
supply chain.
We have also completely revised Our Commitment as a practical guide to ensure that our Code of Conduct / Ethical Standards are put into practice. We aim to be a corporate group that contributes to society as a good corporate citizen, while conducting business operations that earn trust and high expectations from society.
In FY2023, our Campaign to Eliminate Harassment in the Workplace was implemented to deepen employees’ understanding of harassment and further raise their awareness of the need to eliminate it. In addition to the messages from the executive officer in charge of compliance and risk management, we provided leadership training for
department managers, e-learning education for all employees, and group discussions within departments using specific examples, to reiterate the need to prevent harassment in the workplace.
We will continue to respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of all employees working for the Group, and actively work to create a comfortable workplace environment for every employee, free from discrimination and harassment.
We have established a CSR Committee that regularly conducts reviews in order to help us address the diversity of risks that surround our business activities. The committee categorizes risks as either “Business strategy risks” or “Operational risks” and then develops and deploys risk management activities
according to relative handling priority. We will continue to watch for changes in the business environment and social landscape and will work as a group to implement activities and countermeasures which mitigate risk.
Also, in order to improve the effectiveness of these activities and countermeasures, we conduct interviews with our different departments and group companies to check whether the PDCA cycle is being fully implemented and whether there are any operational issues that need to be addressed. Moving forward, we will continue working to
improve our structures and operations even further.
We have formulated basic BCP documents and various manuals for business continuity in anticipation of a Nankai Trough earthquake or an earthquake directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area.
In addition to these measures, the company has created a record of its responses to actual cyber attacks, plant power outages, and other incidents, and is preparing a system to ensure a quick recovery and continuation of business operations in the event of similar events in the future.
We have established the Internal Control Basic Policy to use as a guide for ensuring suitable business management. In addition, our Group companies conduct self-checks each year, and all divisions and Group companies are asked to submit reports that confirm the effectiveness of their internal control. We also regularly conduct internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of internal control, and we are working together with our parent company, Daicel Corporation, to put in place a global audit system that will further improve the quality of our auditing.