CSR initiatives encompass all of our business activities, and every employee involved with our business takes part in CSR.
At Polyplastics, we believe that the "CSR mindset" of each and every employee is the most important thing, and that it is the foundation of all our efforts. From this perspective, we are making various efforts so that each and every employee can sincerely face CSR and reflect it in their daily work.
To invigorate CSR activities throughout the group, we have appointed a CSR promoter at each group company and established a CSR network based at the head office. Members of the network engage in social contribution activities led by the promoters under the slogan “Harmony & Sustainability for the Future,” along with holding quarterly
meetings for each company to report on the progress toward their activity goals, share the issues they’re facing, and exchange opinions.
In FY2023, in addition to each company’s social contribution activities in response to the local needs, we newly set a “CO₂ Reduction Challenge” as a common theme for the entire group, and the promoters at each company called on every employee to take up the challenge of walking or cycling to work, or saving electricity at home, to reduce CO₂ emissions. The entire group will continue to work together in our social contribution activities to further develop initiatives in the areas of coexisting with local communities, fostering the next generation, and supporting a volunteer mindset.
To improve their knowledge and awareness of CSR activities, we provide education for all group employees, including those at overseas group companies.
In FY2023, we issued e-learning materials and regularly distributed articles to employees explaining CSR topics such as carbon neutrality and the circular economy, which have been the focus of attention in society. In addition, we launched a new internal portal site called “SUSTAINavi” where we aggregate sustainability-related
information, including CSR reports and archives of articles that we previously released internally, to provide an information base for increasing employees’ CSR awareness and knowledge.