Social Contribution Activities of the Polyplastics Group (Harmony & Sustainability for the future 2023 Vol.2) Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

Polyplastics is actively engaging in social contribution activities worldwide, tailored to meet local needs. These initiatives are led by members of the CSR promotion team at each overseas group company. The slogan guiding these efforts is “Harmony & Sustainability for the Future.” In this article, we will share some of the latest reports on these initiatives from around the world.

[Shanghai] Touring the Center for Local High School Students

On June 20, our Shanghai Technical Solution Center invited 30 local high school students and teachers for a tour.
After the manager of the center gave them an overview of our company and our efforts toward the decarbonization, our employees introduced the history of engineering plastics and case studies of our products in the exhibition area.
The students shared their impressions after the tour. They were surprised that engineering plastics were used everywhere, including in automobiles.

[Germany] Gardening at the Plant

The Leuna plant in Germany has started planting a flower meadow on their site with the goal of preserving biodiversity.
It is designed to contribute to the long-term conservation of pollinating insects by planting flowers with long flowering periods. It is also expected that the plants’ photosynthesis will help mitigate climate change by absorbing about 200 grams of CO₂ per square meter of meadow.

[Germany] Reuse of Exhibition Booths

Our Raunheim office in Germany used a booth at Fakuma International Trade Fair, the largest plastic processing trade fair in Germany. This booth had been previously used in the other exhibition.
Typically, booths made of wood are discarded after an exhibition, but reusing them can effectively contribute to reducing CO₂. The Raunheim office is considering using this booth again at the next year’s trade show.

We will continue to engage in social contribution activities as a unified Polyplastics Group to become a company that can contribute to a better future society.

Related link
Social Contribution (Sustainability Site)    Here are some of the activities we carried out last year.

■SDGs related to this article

4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss