Social Contribution Activities of the Polyplastics Group (Harmony & Sustainability for the future 2023 Vol.3) Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

Polyplastics is actively engaging in social contribution activities worldwide, tailored to meet local needs. These initiatives are led by members of the CSR promotion team at each overseas group company. The slogan guiding these efforts is “Harmony & Sustainability for the Future.” In this article, we will share some of the latest reports on these initiatives from around the world.

[Malaysia] Excel Classes for Local Junior High School Students

The Kuantan plant in Malaysia conducted an Excel class for 46 local junior high school students.
Our 12 employees volunteered to teach two classes – beginner and intermediate – covering various topics such as automatic calculation, auto-fill, creating graphs and pivot tables.
As the junior high school was highly impressed with the lessons and asked our employees to hold the classes again.
This positive feedback prompted the employees to consider arranging additional Microsoft classes such as Word and PowerPoint.

[Singapore] Donating Christmas Presents to Underprivileged Children
Our Singapore office participated in a “Secret Santa” event organized by the building. The event aimed to present gifts for underprivileged children based on their wish cards distributed to participants through support organizations.
Our employees gave stationery items such as colored pencils, pencil cases, and school backpacks to the children as Christmas presents.

[Seoul] Local Cleanup

Our Seoul office in Korea volunteered to clean up an area around the Han River. During the activity, they collected 4 bags of garbage including plastic bottles and cigarette butts.
Through this initiative, our employees contributed to improving our brand value, and they received high praise from the local community.

We will continue to engage in social contribution activities as a unified Polyplastics Group to become a company that can contribute to a better future society.

■Related link
Social Contribution (Sustainability Site): Here are some of the activities we carried out last year.

SDGs related to this article

4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss