Social Contribution Activities of the Polyplastics Group (Harmony & Sustainability for the future 2023 Vol.4) Polyplastics Co., Ltd.

Polyplastics is actively engaging in social contribution activities worldwide, tailored to meet local needs. These initiatives are led by members of the CSR promotion team at each overseas group company. The slogan guiding these efforts is “Harmony & Sustainability for the Future.” In this article, we will share some of the latest reports on these initiatives from around the world.

【Kaohsiung】Family Day

The Kaohsiung plant held “Family Day” aimed at promoting the employees’ and their family’s health in February.
Total 155 people participated, and after jogging approximately 3 kilometers, everyone enjoyed picnic.

[India】 Charity Activity at Zoological Park

Our India office employees volunteered at a zoological park in February.
About 30 employees volunteered to clean up the park from 11 am to 14 pm on Sunday.
Our employees also donated 220,500 rupees to support the maintenance of the park and the improvement of infrastructure for animal care.

[Shanghai】 Donating Vegetables from the office Rooftop Garden

Our Shanghai office, employees are continuously growing vegetables on the office rooftop aimed at fostering their volunteer mind.
Our employees cultivated crops such as corn, cabbage, and cauliflower, and donated the harvested vegetables to nursing homes and cleaning companies.

We will continue to engage in social contribution activities as a unified Polyplastics Group to become a company that can contribute to a better future society.

■Related link
Social Contribution (Sustainability Site): Here are some of the activities we carried out last year.

■SDGs related to this article

3:Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
15:Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss