Human Resources Development
Human Rights Initiatives

Joining the United Nations Global Compact


In April 2020, Daicel Group signed the United Nations Global Compact to support its intention to resolve global issues as a responsible corporate citizen. The Global Compact upholds the 10 Principles in the areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
As a member of the Daicel Group, we will adhere to and practice these principles and contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.

Daicel Group Human Rights Policy

At the Daicel Group, we recognize that, in order to progress and grow in tandem with society, it is imperative that we respect the human rights of anyone and everyone involved in or connected to us through our business activities. To fulfill this responsibility, the Daicel Group hereby establishes the

Conducting Human Rights Due Diligence

Based on Daicel’s Group Human Rights Policy, we promote understanding and practice of respect for human rights throughout the value chain.
In FY2023, we began human rights due diligence on group companies and completed voluntary audits and interviews with on-site evidence verification at six group companies in ASEAN. We have begun discussions at our headquarters and group companies on how to address the issues identified during the audits in order to improve them.
Going forward, we will continue to work appropriately to respect human rights and achieve sustainable business operations in order to be a corporate group that continues to be trusted by its stakeholders.

Conducting Human Rights Due DiligenceConducting Human Rights Due Diligence