Human Resources Development
Developing Engaging Work Environment

Creating a Comfortable Workplace and Increasing the Sense of Unity of Employees

SDGs 8

The Polyplastics Group has set improving employee engagement* as one of the priority CSR items and measures in its Medium-Term Business Plan, in order to create a workplace where everyone can work with a sense of fulfillment. From the results of regular engagement surveys, we understand the organizational situation and employee thoughts for each corporation, country, and region, and each company implements measures to improve engagement accordingly. Here, we will introduce some of the measures taken in each country.

*A “highly engaged state” refers to a state in which employees are actively involved in the organization and their work and make voluntary efforts.

従業員の一体感を高め 働きやすい職場に 従業員の一体感を高め 働きやすい職場に


Participating in a Sporting Event

In Bangkok (Thailand), the employees participated in a sports event organized by the office building in which our office is located. Employees refreshed their minds and bodies through this event, and the communication between employees was boosted.



Strengthening Organizational Capability through Company Trips

Since there are several offices and branches, a company trip was held to strengthen communication among employees who normally work in different offices, and about 70 employees participated. Participants commented that they were able to get a little relief from their busy work and change their mood. We expect that changes of mood like these and strengthening of relationships will lead to improved work efficiency and creativity in future work.



Sharing Knowledge across Departments

In Querétaro (Mexico), employees in each department regularly hold lectures to talk about their own efforts and share specialized knowledge with employees in other departments. The manufacturing department has given a lecture on how to replace a car tire, and the legal department has given a lecture on trade terms and conditions.
This provides an opportunity to learn about what employees in other departments are working on day-to-day, which promotes understanding between departments and leads to the creation of a comfortable working environment.


Health Management Initiatives

SDGs 3SDGs 8

As a member of the Daicel Group, we are expanding initiatives in line with the Daicel Declaration on Health Management while making proactive efforts to maintain and improve employees’ mental and physical health.

Daicel Declaration on Health Management

  • The Company will strive to offer a safe and comfortable workplace based on the conviction that its business foundation relies upon the mental and physical health of each employee.
  • The Company will act in collaboration with the health insurance society to help each employee as well as their families engage in autonomous and proactive efforts to maintain and improve their health.

Daicel Group Structure for Health Management Promotion

Daicel Group Structure for Health Management PromotionDaicel Group Structure for Health Management Promotion
Basic Approach
Having employees work healthily and energetically leads to both a fulfilling life for each employee and the continued development of the company. Therefore, our company's “health care team” plays a central role in supporting employees' health management through health checkups and health guidance, ascertaining employee stress levels through stress checks, and working to reduce stress.
Healthcare Support System
In order to maximize every employee’s individuality and provide a work environment in which employees are healthy and energetic, we established and expanded the activities of the Healthcare Team in 2014, which is composed of human resource staff, public health nurses, and industrial physicians.
Establishment of the Polyplastics Healthcare Committee
We established the “Polyplastics Healthcare Committee” to strengthen our organizational structure. In order to promote health management as the Daicel Group, we are working to improve the workplace environment by planning, designing and carrying out various health events.
Participated in the Daicel Central Healthcare Committee
The Polyplastics Healthcare Committee receives advice from the Daicel Group on plans, proposals, and measures regarding its activities.
Collaborative System with Public Health Nurses
We have established a collaborative system between Polyplastics’ public health nurses and Daicel's team of public health nurses to share information and solve issues as well as to ensure ongoing awareness. In addition, the nurses regularly publish the Public Health Nurse News as a way to educate and help improve health.
About the Healthcare System
Public health nurses help address mental or physical health issues while collaborating with industrial physicians and local medical institutions.
Continuous Health Management
Public health nurses follow up with employees based on the results of their regular health checkups, and recommend secondary checkups.
Special Checkups and Health Guidance
We are working to prevent lifestyle diseases in collaboration with Daicel’s health insurance society.
Conducting Stress Checks
Based on the results of group analysis of stress check results, we are developing activities to maintain and promote health through self-care and mental health care training using e-learning, in addition to following up and recommending improvements for the work environment.
Initiatives to Reduce Overtime Work
We are working to optimize the work-life balance of our employees in order to maintain their mental and physical health.

Certification as “White 500” Companies in “Health Management Excellence Corporation 2024”


In recognition of our efforts, in March 2024, Daicel and our company were certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Japan Health Council as “White 500” companies in “Health Management Excellence Corporation 2024,” in the category for large corporations. This is our company’s second White 500 certification, the first being in 2023.
We will further promote the health management that we have been working on, and support the autonomous and proactive health promotion of each and every group employee and their family.


データで見る 働きやすい職場

Our company encourages the active use of paid leave. In FY2023, the paid leave usage rate was 89.6%, achieving the target of 80% for the second consecutive year. This is a result that significantly exceeds the average of 62.1% for Japanese companies.

  • The benchmark is the FY2023 Japanese national average (from the 2023 General Survey on Working Conditions, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare).
Paid Leave Usage Rate
Paid Leave Usage RatePaid Leave Usage Rate